神戸星城高等学校 KOBE SEIJOH High School 一生モノの輝きを、十八才までに育む。


神戸星城高等学校 KOBE SEIJOH High School 一生モノの輝きを、十八才までに育む。


海外教育研修 現地8月7日








Today I went shopping at an outlet store in the morning. I didn't find any clothes that I liked, so I had lunch at IN-N-OUT and ate a hamburger. It was delicious. After that, I went back to look around for clothes. I was going to buy only one item, but I ended up buying four. It was fun. I hope to have fun again tomorrow.


My host family took me to the strawberry festival because I love strawberries!!
There was a strawberry gate, there was a character (strawberry), strawberry octopus, strawberry juice, and all the food made of strawberries were so much fun!!
I don't think there's any other place where my host family is so happy to participate in a big eating competition and a fashion match.
There were many visitors today, so I went to the strawberry festival with my friends.
I was nervous at first when I was with a handsome person and a beautiful woman, but gradually I became more open to her, and it was very nice and interesting to be with her, so I had a lot of fun.
They taught me various artists and all of them were good songs!!
I'm glad that I can hear English more and more!
I want to play again!



