神戸星城高等学校 KOBE SEIJOH High School 一生モノの輝きを、十八才までに育む。


神戸星城高等学校 KOBE SEIJOH High School 一生モノの輝きを、十八才までに育む。


海外教育研修 現地7日目



現地7日目を迎えました。今日も午前はいつも通り授業を受け、午後からは歩いてMonterey湾を臨むFisherman's Wharfに行きました。日本とは違って気温は20度。途中気持ちの良い海風を受け、砂浜をみんなで語り合いながら歩きました。

Fisherman's Wharfには小さなお店が立ち並び、名物のクラムチャウダーの試食ができたり、カラフルなアイスクリームがあったり、現地の味を楽しんでいました。また、家族に友達にお土産を探して楽しそうに買い物を楽しんでいました。



We all walked to Fisherman's Wharf at the end of school.
There were many shops, so I enjoyed it very much.
I went to the clothing store and bought a Monterey hoodie with my friends.
I also ate colorful ice cream and it was very delicious.


I went to a dance party after school today. We had a great time dancing together. I was happy to be praised by my host family.
It was so much fun that I am planning to go next week. I was happy because I made more acquaintances and became friends with Leila's friends.

